The role of yoga gurus (teachers) is crucial in guiding individuals on their spiritual journey and helping them reap the full benefits of yoga

 A true guru is someone who has attained self-realization and can lead others towards enlightenment

. They provide wisdom, support, and a roadmap for personal growth

The role of yoga gurus (teachers) is crucial in guiding individuals on their spiritual journey and helping them reap the full benefits of yoga

. A true guru is someone who has attained self-realization and can lead others towards enlightenment

. They provide wisdom, support, and a roadmap for personal growth

Some key roles of yoga gurus in our daily life include:

Providing guidance and instruction: Gurus teach the proper techniques and practices of yoga, ensuring that students progress safely and effectively

Offering spiritual wisdom: Gurus share their knowledge and insights, helping students navigate the complexities of life and find inner peace

Serving as role models: Gurus embody the principles of yoga and demonstrate how to live a balanced, ethical, and fulfilling life

Fostering a supportive community: Gurus create an environment where students can learn, grow, and support each other on their spiritual journey

It's important to note that while gurus play a significant role, ultimately, the responsibility for one's spiritual growth lies with the individual

. A guru can provide guidance and support, but the seeker must be willing to put in the effort and dedication required for personal transformation