

Abhyanga is an Ayurveda procedure which involves whole body massage with warm oil. Abhyanga rather than being a treatment procedure on its own ,is also a poorvakarma or preparation stage to the panchakarma therapies. Here the whole body is massaged with warm medicated oil. The oil used can be specific for each condition. It is done by a trained masseuse under the guidance of an Ayurveda professional . The patient is made to lie on a paathi or bed and after applying thalam to the vertex, the whole body is massaged. A normal pressure is maintained throughout the procedure. The oil is also heated using a water bath to maintain a constant warmth. The pressure can be changed according to the patient’s condition. Each and every point of the body is made sure to be anointed with oil after the treatment.  In some cases stanika abhyanga or localised abhyanga is also done.Usually, abhyanga is followed by Svedana or steam therapy. But in other conditions, this is followed by a hot water bath. The days of the treatment are usually suggested after assessing the patient’s condition.


According to Ayurveda,he who does abhyanga daily retards aging,exertion and pacifies vata. It is good for vision,nourishes  the body, increases longevity and brings good sleep.

It also provides one with good skin and physic.

Abhyanga can be done in one’s household with special emphasis on the head,foot and behind the ear. He who has indigestion is contra indicated for this massage.

Just like a pitcher or cart wheel becomes smooth and efficient by oiling,like wise our body can regain its strength by the abhyanga.