
Detox and Rejuvenation Package Duration: 7 days / 14 days / 21 days Rejuvenation or Rasayana therapy refers to complete revitalization of the body . This includes Correction of metabolism, promoting longevity, improving immunity, boost memory, improving physic and promoting a feeling of wellness. Detoxification refers to complete detox or removal of toxins from the body using ayurvedic therapies particularly the panchakarma or shodhana therapies. This procedure aims at cleansing your body along with rejuvenation and promoting longevity.

. Treatments Include: • Panchakarma: Comprehensive detoxification process including Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya, and Raktamokshana. • Abhyanga: Full body oil massage to aid in to improve circulation and metabolism. • Swedana: steam therapy to open the pores and eliminate toxins. • Udwarthanam: Herbal powder massage reduce subcutaneous fat and improve circulation. • Pizhichil: Warm oil therapy to strengthen muscles and relieve stress • Ayurvedic Medicines: Internal medications to support the process. • Yoga and Pranayama: Practices to relieve anxiety and stress thus aiding in detox or rejuvenation. Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations: • Detox diet plan • Regular exercises Additional Services • Consultation with Ayurvedic Doctors: Initial and follow-up consultations to tailor the treatments to individual needs. • Personalized Diet Plans: Specific diet plans according to individual body constitution (Prakriti) and health conditions. • Workshops and Seminars: Sessions on stress management, ergonomics, and healthy living for IT staff. Package Benefits for IT Staff • Relief from common ailments like back pain, stress, and migraines. • Improved overall health and well-being. • Enhanced productivity and focus. • Reduced absenteeism due to health issues. • Promotion of a healthy work-life balance. These packages are designed to provide holistic care and promote overall wellness for IT staff, addressing the specific health challenges they face due to prolonged sitting, screen exposure, and high-stress levels.