

Haemorrhoids or piles are the lumps of tissue seen in and around your anus. Basically these are the inflamed enlarged veins which are both painful and irritable at the same time.  This condition arises due to the varicosity of these veins wherein the vein valves loss their elasticity or become irritated thus resulting in this inflammation. The trigger factors include over exertion during defecation , chronic constipation or diarrhoea, heavy weight lifting, sitting for longer periods , poor dietary choices like a low fibre diet, obesity and sometimes even pregnancy. Haemorrhoids can be of 2 types : Internal haemorrhoids and external haemorrhoids. Internal haemorrhoids occur inside the rectum and is not visible from the outside. They remain painless and often unnoticed until a sign of rectal bleeding occurs. Under certain conditions there could be a prolapse of these internal haemorrhoids due to weakening of the muscles around anus. This condition can be accompanied by severe pain. Further classification of these haemorrhoids into four grades are based on the degree of prolapse.

External haemorrhoids as the name suggests are seen in the skin surrounding the anus and are therefore visible. These are extremely painful and has a possibility to sometimes bleed during defecation. General symptoms of haemorrhoids include bleeding, itching or irritation , excruciating pain, visible swellings etc. Usually haemorrhoids is a self diagnosed condition and is not a serious condition. But in some severe cases of chronic haemorrhoids can lead to complications like profuse bleeding resulting in anaemia, infection, strangulated piles or even ulcers. This it is imperative to consult your physician before jumping into conclusions.

Ayurveda considers piles as arshas which has further classification on the basis of whether it’s a bleeding or non bleeding piles. Since it’s a tridosha involved condition, treatment is a combination of both shamana and shodhana therapies.


1.       Abhyanga – Svedana – Full body oil massage followed by a steam bath

2.       Virechana – Induced purgation

3.       Vasti – Medicated enema

4.       Kshara karma – Alkali treatment

5.       Agnikarma – cauterisation

6.       Yoga sessions

Along with the above mentioned a daily dose of internal medicines and proper fibre rich diet is necessary for the treatment of piles. This can be done on an out patient or in patient basis.



1.             Personalized guidance from an Ayurvedic specialist

2.             Personalized treatment plan tailored to your prakruthi and specific health issues

3.             Therapy sessions conducted on a daily basis

4.             Herbal supplements and medications

5.             Ayurvedic diet

6.             Instructions for aftercare and adjustments to one’s lifestyle following treatment.



Haemorrhoids is not a condition to be ashamed of. In some cases even a proper change in lifestyle choices can help with the condition. Ayurvedic treatment is tailored to each individual’s specific condition, taking into account the unique characteristics of their body. The appropriate treatment plan is always determined following a consultation with the physician.