
Leucorrhoea refers to the abnormal and excessive vaginal discharge often associated with other symptoms like itching . Women usually experience a normal vaginal discharge which is a sign of a clean and healthy vagina. This normal vaginal discharge can vary from watery clear to thick whitish depending upon the menstrual cycle of women. At the beginning of the cycle, this discharge is red or bloody due to the uterine shedding. When this nears ovulation it becomes transparent ,slippery or stretchy. Following ovulation ,it is opaque, dry and thick in consistency. Now this discharge usually will have an odour which should not be pronounced or unpleasant. When there is a change in this texture, odour or color of the vaginal discharge that’s when it’s time to consult a doctor.

Changes in the texture or color can be a sign of an infection.  A white and thick discharge with a cheese like consistency can be indicative of a vaginal yeast infection. Grey, abundant discharge with a strong fish like odour can be due to a bacterial infection.  Yellow abundant foamy discharge can be a sign of Trichomonas  infection and mucus purulent one can be a sign of chlamydia infection. Common symptoms of a vaginal infection include inflammation of vagina, burning sensation,itching and discoloration of the vaginal walls .

Ayurveda considers infections related to vagina under yoni rogas and leucorrhoea under swethapradara. Each condition is treated according to the dosha predominance. This is done mainly using internal medications and some simple external therapies if at all necessary.


1.       Prakshalana – cleansing  vagina using medicated liquids.

2.       Dhoopana – Fumigation

3.       Varti – suppositories

4.       Pichu – medicine soaked poultices.


As Ayurveda works on the belief that food is medicine , proper diet and lifestyle choices as recommended by the physician should be followed throughout the course of treatment and even sometime after that. Whether to undergo a op or ip line of treatment is dependent on the need and conditions of the patient.


Personalized guidance from an Ayurvedic specialist

Personalized treatment plan tailored to your prakruthi and specific health issues

Therapy sessions conducted on a daily basis

Herbal supplements and medications

Ayurvedic diet

Instructions for aftercare and adjustments to one’s lifestyle following treatment



Ayurvedic treatment is tailored to each individual’s specific condition, taking into account the unique characteristics of their body. The appropriate treatment plan is always determined following a consultation with the physician.