
.Stress Management Package Duration: 5 days / 10 days / 14 days Heavy workload and tight deadlines has increased the occurrence of stress and anxiety in today’s generation. Stress is actually a natural human emotion to cope up with the challenges. But when this becomes uncontrolled , this can further lead to both physiological and psychological issues. For a person at work this can even lead to poor output . Ayurveda considers stress management an important part of today’s lifestyle . It makes use of both internal and external therapies for the same.

Treatments Include: 

• Shirodhara: Continuous flow of warm oil and other medicated liquids on the forehead to calm the mind and relieve stress. • Abhyanga: Full body oil massage to relax the body and mind. • Takradhara: Pouring medicated buttermilk over the forehead to reduce stress and anxiety. • Nasya: Nasal administration of herbal medicines to clear the sinuses and improve mental clarity. • Ayurvedic Medicines: Customized herbal preparations to balance the mind and body. • Meditation and Pranayama: Guided meditation and breathing exercises to promote relaxation. Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations: • Proper Ayurvedic diet preferred for your condition • Stress management techniques including yoga and meditations