

Psoriasis is a chronic dermatological condition characterized by the accumulation of skin cells, resulting in the formation of red, scaly, and pruritic patches on the skin. The epidermal cells, or outer layer of cells, are created at a rate 6-9 times faster than their regular production rate. These scale patches can occasionally lead to skin cracking, bleeding, or the formation of blisters filled with pus.

This is an autoimmune illness that is activated by a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Additional factors encompass smoking, obesity, specific drugs, and other underlying infections. This illness is characterized by recurrent episodes that can occur within a very short period of time or longer periods, ranging from a few months to many years.

Psoriasis not only presents as a cosmetic concern, but also poses the danger of developing other significant conditions such as psoriatic arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, mental health disorders like anxiety and depression, as well as cancer and liver diseases.

Ayurveda categorizes several types of psoriasis under the comprehensive name "kushta".This occurs as a result of an imbalance in the tridoshas, combined with the vitiation of dhatus or tissues .Given that it is a chronic illness, it is imperative to implement effective treatment using both shamana (palliative) and sodhana or panchakarma (purification) therapies, followed by adopting a suitable lifestyle change to avoid any future recurrences.

Treatments incorporated

1. Abhyanga Swedana refers to a comprehensive treatment that involves massaging the entire body with oil and then subjecting it to a steam bath.

2. Lepana - Application of medicinal pastes.

3. Vamana - Inducing vomiting or emesis

4. Virechana -  inducing purgation.

5. Raktamoshana is a therapeutic procedure that involves the removal  of vitiated blood from the body.

Throughout the duration of the therapy, the individual is also administered the essential internal drugs. Due to its recurring nature, it is important to adhere to the recommended diet , medication and regimen prescribed by the physician even after completing the treatment cycle.


Personalized guidance from an Ayurvedic specialist

Personalized treatment plan tailored to your prakruthi and specific health issues

Therapy sessions conducted on a daily basis 

Herbal supplements and medications 

Ayurvedic diet

Instructions for aftercare and adjustments to one's lifestyle following treatment


Ayurvedic treatment is tailored to each individual's specific condition, taking into account the unique characteristics of their body. The appropriate treatment plan is always determined following a consultation with the physician.