
Traditional Ayurveda Treatments

Traditional Ayurveda Treatments

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Ayurveda is a traditional medicine native to India with a history of over 3000 years. Just as the name suggests it’s a science of life, which is based on the fact that every body is made up of the panchamahabhootas like the earth. These further make up the dosha-dhathu- mala which form the basis of the human body. A disease can be considered as an imbalance of any one of the above said at the root level . Ayurvedic treatments thus aim at correcting this imbalance rather than a symptomatic line of treatment. This is achieved either by shamana/ palliative line of treatment or through shodhana / detox treatment. The first said mainly includes internal medications whereas the latter said includes panchakarma therapies .

Ayurveda has 8 angas or division specifically for different diseases. It includes Kayachikitsa ( general medicine), Kaumarabhritya ( paediatrics), Grahachikitsa ( demonology), Urdwanga chikitsa( ENT), Shalya Tantra ( surgery), Agadatantra ( Toxicology) , Jara chikitsa ( Geriatrics) and Vajikarana ( Aphrodisiacs). The four pillars of these treatments are Bhishag or physician, dravya ( medicine), Upastha ( attentend) and the rogi or patient. These four are mutually dependent and of equal importance when it comes to Ayurveda.

Ayurveda also works on the belief that food is medicine. So any treatment done is associated with a proper diet and lifestyle modification . Since Ayurvedic medications takes time to act at the root level it is imperative to follow these modifications during the course of the treatment as well as some period after that. 

Just as each person is unique, ayurvedic treatment is unique for each body type. Here at Samsara Ayurveda, with an experience of 33 years we practice this age old wisdom in its most pure form . We aim to provide you the best personalized line of treatment possible by taking your needs and conditions into consideration. This includes traditional medicines and therapies under the guidance of an expert , healthy diet, lifestyle modifications and proper guidance regarding the after care. Together let’s embark on a beautiful journey towards wellness.

Traditional Ayurveda Treatments