Traditional Ayurvedic De-Stress Package: Reclaim Your Peace

Traditional Ayurvedic De-Stress Package: Reclaim Your Peace

Stress is a leading cause of various health disorders and hormonal imbalances. In today's fast-paced world, the pressure to achieve more in less time has become overwhelming. As people strive to outdo their peers globally, they often neglect their health, turning to harmful substances like excess caffeine, smoking, and late-night gatherings. These stress-induced behaviors can lead to severe health issues.

According to Ayurveda, stress results from imbalances in the Gunas—Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas—derived from the foods and fluids we consume. Sattva promotes rational thinking and optimal body function. When Sattva diminishes, the body succumbs to constant stress, losing rational thought and energy.

Stress triggers various unhealthy behaviors such as consuming greasy foods, fast food, and excessive drinking or smoking. It also influences hormonal secretions affecting mental and digestive processes, contributing to issues like excess abdominal fat, headaches, eye problems, heart disorders, and diabetes.

The Ayurvedic De-Stress Package is a renowned treatment in Kerala, attracting both Indian and international visitors. Here are the key components:


Shirodhara is a premier method for de-stressing, widely recognized in Kerala's Ayurvedic treatments. It involves pouring a steady stream of fluid (typically medicated oil) on the forehead for an hour. This technique relaxes muscles, applying gentle pressure on the forehead and its associated Chakra, relieving stress and inducing calm. Shirodhara offers pharmacological, psychological, and physiological benefits. Common fluids used include medicated oils, sesame oil, mustard oil, and buttermilk.


This treatment involves pouring a mixture of medicated rice water and other fluids over the body in specific positions for varying durations. The continuous stream stimulates and relaxes the body by targeting areas with dense nerve clusters, enhancing the nervous system's function.


Abhyangam is a full-body massage using a blend of oils, medicated oils, or herbal concoctions. The massage targets pressure points and nerve clusters, promoting relaxation and easing stress-induced knots, leading to a state of tranquility.


Pizhichil, also known as Thailadhara, combines Swedanam (sudation) and Snehanam (oil massage). It involves a milk bath, warm oil bath, or immersion in an herbal formulation of oils and fluids, accompanied by gentle massage. This treatment is an excellent stress reliever, using over 3 liters of medicated fluids or oils.


Elakizhi, or Patrapotala Swedanam, uses small cloth pouches (Potalis) filled with a herbal mixture of medicinal leaves. These leaves are fried in herbal oils to create a therapeutic blend. The warm pouches are used to massage the body, providing immediate relief from stress and inducing a state of warmth and peace.

Experience the profound benefits of our Ayurvedic De-Stress Package at ANLC Wellness. Rebalance your Gunas and reclaim your peace through these time-honored treatments.

For more information, visit anlcwellness.com and discover how our Ayurvedic De-Stress Package can transform your life.