

Constipation has become a common term nowadays associated with the difficulty in passing stools . Generally ,it refers to passing less than three stools a week or having a difficult time passing stools especially hard stools. Constipation occurs when our colon ie the large intestine absorbs too much water than it normally does from your stool thus drying it up and making it hard . This then becomes difficult for the body to be pushed out through the rectum or anus. Along with this ,in a person having constipation ,the digestion tends to take place slowly thus allowing more time in the large intestine. This further leads to increased water absorption and hard stools. What causes constipation? It can be mainly due to poor lifestyle choices or due to existing medical conditions and medication. Wrong lifestyle choices include less fibre intake, not taking enough water, no regular exercises or movement , spicy fried foods,changes in routine like travel etc. Psychological issues like stress can also be a cause of constipation. Pregnancy is a physiological condition where constipation can be common. The symptoms include less frequent bowels, dry hard or lumpy stools,painful defecation, bloating or abdominal distension, abdominal cramps and a feeling of nausea. Although constipation can disappear after some time due to change in diet and medication, prolonged constipation can lead to conditions like haemorrhoids, anal fissures, impacted stool or even a toxic megacolon.

First line of treatment always include changes in lifestyle along with internal medications. In Ayurveda we consider constipation as vibhandha which is caused due to an aggravated vata. This aggravated vata is brought into balance with the help of  internal medications as well as therapies .


1.       Abhyanga – Svedana : Full body massage with warm medicated oil followed by a steam bath

2.       Virechana – Induced purgation

3.       Matra vasti – Medicated enema

4.       Yoga sessions

The internal medicine mainly will help in regaining your proper digestion and bowel movements .


Personalized guidance from an Ayurvedic specialist

Personalized treatment plan tailored to your prakruthi and specific health issues

Therapy sessions conducted on a daily basis

Herbal supplements and medications

Ayurvedic diet to relieve constipation

Instructions for aftercare and adjustments to one’s lifestyle following treatment.



Constipation can sometimes be a normal physiology for some body types. This applies to the less frequent bowels and hard consistency. So always consult your physician before jumping into conclusions.

Ayurvedic treatment is tailored to each individual’s specific condition, taking into account the unique characteristics of their body. The appropriate treatment plan is always determined following a consultation with the physician.