
Rithuranjini Tablets

Rithuranjini is an ayurvedic formulation of yasti,aswagandha,draksha, pippali and other such medicinal herbs. This unique combination is useful in conditions of menstrual disorders like menorrhagia, amenorrhea etc.Thus it is widely used in cases of polycystic ovary disease too. The combination also helps relieve menstrual cramps thus making it an effective medicine for gynecological issues.


Yasti-Glycyrrhiza glabra

Aswagandha-Withania somnifera

Draksha-Vitis vinifera

Pippali- Piper longum


Menstrual disorders

Menstrual cramps



Always consult with your doctor before using any medication. These medicines are not for retail sale but only for in-house treatments.